The web dictionary defines the meaning of ‘reinvent’ as:

  • to invent again or anew
  • to remake or make over, as in a different form
  • to bring back; revive

Few days back on Facebook there’s a link on Personality Test which was shared on somebody’s wall and I clicked it for myself. The result was as follows:

Passionate and Creative!
Your choice of images reveals that you are a very creative and confident person. You love discovering new things and letting your creativity run wild. You enjoy every moment you spend with your friends to the fullest, still you don’t mind having some alone time every now and again. With every challenge that lies ahead you prove yourself with your richness of ideas and creative solutions. Your vitality is infectious!

I quite liked the description about me though all of it was not exactly true. 

I always see myself from different angles all the time. I like to think new. I have a problem with old stuffs. I remember I changed the theme of this site many times when we began our journey here till now. I feel clumsy when things get old. I don’t feel the same about the people around me though… Lol 😉

Ravenna Helson, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley says, 

“We have to modify our identities as we go through life.” 

How true it is!!!

Unless we modify our identities as and when required it is very difficult to adjust in the world we live in now. I would say, successful are those people who have adapted quickly to the situations. That adaptability comes from a person who reinvents himself/herself in a newer situation.

Two factors: ‘Creativity’ and ‘Change’ bring forth Reinvention of self in every person.

Keep reading and keep reinventing yourself…

Stay Blessed!