Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, observed every year on September 10th, with the aim of raising awareness about suicide and promoting efforts to prevent it. This global observance was established by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) to address the growing issue of suicide worldwide.

The worldwide statistics on suicide are staggering and heart-wrenching when we delve into the depths of figures and numbers. However, our duty in this context goes beyond merely observing this day and then forgetting about it the next. We should aspire to make suicide prevention a daily mantra in our lives, to “Prevent the darkness from taking hold in someone’s life, before it’s too late.”

So, how can we actively work to prevent this impending darkness and provide meaningful support to those in need? Here are some essential tips for you to follow:

  • Listen Actively: Be a good listener. Sometimes, all someone needs is a compassionate ear to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Offer Support: Let your friends, family, and colleagues know that you are there for them. Simple gestures of kindness, prayer and support can go a long way.
  • Be Non-Judgmental: Create a safe and non-judgmental space for open conversations about mental health. Encourage honesty without fear of criticism.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the warning signs of suicidal thoughts and mental health conditions. Knowledge empowers you to recognize when someone might be struggling.
  • Connect to Resources: Familiarize yourself with local and national mental health resources, hotlines, and crisis helplines. In an emergency, these contacts can be lifesaving.
  • Encourage Professional Help: If you suspect someone is in crisis, don’t hesitate to suggest they seek professional help. Offer to help them find a therapist, counselor, or support group.
  • Stay Connected: Continue to check in on your loved ones regularly, even if they seem to be doing well. Mental health challenges can be ongoing, and consistent support is essential.
  • Promote Self-Care: Encourage healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, mindfulness, and self-care practices. These can help individuals better manage their mental health.
  • Break the Stigma: Challenge and combat the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Promote open dialogue and understanding in your community.
  • Lead by Example: Be a role model for empathy and kindness. Your actions can inspire others to follow suit.

There won’t be a life coach, counsellor or mental health professional available everywhere and in the times of need. It is YOU who can make the difference if you wish too.

#suicide #suicideprevention #10September2023 #Wakup #lendahand #writercp

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