Today is World Suicide Prevention Day, observed every year on September 10th, with the aim of raising awareness about suicide and promoting efforts to prevent it. This global observance was established by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) to address the growing issue of suicide worldwide.

The worldwide statistics on suicide are staggering and heart-wrenching when we delve into the depths of figures and numbers. However, our duty in this context goes beyond merely observing this day and then forgetting about it the next. We should aspire to make suicide prevention a daily mantra in our lives, to “Prevent the darkness from taking hold in someone’s life, before it’s too late.”

So, how can we actively work to prevent this impending darkness and provide meaningful support to those in need? Here are some essential tips for you to follow:

  • Listen Actively: Be a good listener. Sometimes, all someone needs is a compassionate ear to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Offer Support: Let your friends, family, and colleagues know that you are there for them. Simple gestures of kindness, prayer and support can go a long way.
  • Be Non-Judgmental: Create a safe and non-judgmental space for open conversations about mental health. Encourage honesty without fear of criticism.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about the warning signs of suicidal thoughts and mental health conditions. Knowledge empowers you to recognize when someone might be struggling.
  • Connect to Resources: Familiarize yourself with local and national mental health resources, hotlines, and crisis helplines. In an emergency, these contacts can be lifesaving.
  • Encourage Professional Help: If you suspect someone is in crisis, don’t hesitate to suggest they seek professional help. Offer to help them find a therapist, counselor, or support group.
  • Stay Connected: Continue to check in on your loved ones regularly, even if they seem to be doing well. Mental health challenges can be ongoing, and consistent support is essential.
  • Promote Self-Care: Encourage healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, mindfulness, and self-care practices. These can help individuals better manage their mental health.
  • Break the Stigma: Challenge and combat the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Promote open dialogue and understanding in your community.
  • Lead by Example: Be a role model for empathy and kindness. Your actions can inspire others to follow suit.

There won’t be a life coach, counsellor or mental health professional available everywhere and in the times of need. It is YOU who can make the difference if you wish too.

#suicide #suicideprevention #10September2023 #Wakup #lendahand #writercp

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A place of love and comfort,
That we’ve all imagined since its creation.

The cool and calm moonbeam,
Fills our hearts with joy, to the brim.

We’ve always admired its grace,
In contrast to our earthly chase.

We’ve always promised our loved ones,
To bring a chunk of it as a sign of our love.

Our guiding light in the darkest hours of the night,
Teaching us lessons of always shining bright.

Even when it’s covered by the gloomy clouds,
It reappears again, tearing down those vaporous mounds.

Hanging on the canvas of space,
At unfathomable heights for us, the human race.

Yet, the desire to grasp our love object,
Made us reach it on its enigmatic surface.

Are you closer to us – the Indians, than the rest of the world?
Or was our love for you way more intense than others?

Yes, we achieved you, grabbing everyone’s attention,
While the rest of the world remained in serious contemplation.

(Chiradeep’s Musings encompassed the creation of images, poems, videos, and music, capturing a diverse range of artistic expressions © 2023, with all rights reserved.)

#chandrayaan3 #moon #landingonmoon #poem #indiaonmoon #india #jaiindia #writercp #chiradeepsmusings #isro #astronaut #space #spacecraft


Daily writing prompt
Describe one of your favorite moments.

I have numerous cherished moments in my life, and selecting just one for this article was quite perplexing. I contemplated choosing a moment that exuded cuteness, beauty, and innocence.

During the journey of growing up, both boys and girls desire acceptance and validation from the opposite sex. It is inherent in human beings, a quality ingrained by God. Even other creatures possess similar natural instincts to impress members of the opposite sex. While humans have the unique ability of consciousness and the capacity to make choices based on their intellect, deep down, we still possess that underlying instinct within us.

Our hearts and emotions resemble flowing rivers, unrestricted and free. It is our discernment and awareness of the person involved and the circumstances that guide and direct this river. These feelings and emotions, matters of the heart, are incredibly intricate, yet they possess an inherent beauty and innocence in their purest and untainted states. By providing them with proper guidance and aligning them with the wisdom found in God’s teachings, we can protect these emotions. However, when we allow them to roam without restraint, like a horse without a bridle, chaos and pain may ensue.

That’s the lesson I gleaned from this remarkable incident.


Daily writing prompt
What notable things happened today?


Sometimes, in His wisdom, God urges us to find serenity and take a brief respite. However, as we often overlook His gentle guidance, He employs a gentle force to bring about the calmness we require. Although one might perceive it as convenient to involve God in every aspect, I strive to adopt His perspective and believe that every occurrence unfolds with purpose.

Now, without further ado, let me get to the point: Have any noteworthy events transpired today? Truth be told, there haven’t been any remarkable happenings. I simply embraced rest and refrained from any activities. You may wonder, “Why did I choose to do so?” and the answer lies in the pain caused by inflammation in my right ankle, rendering me unable to bear weight or walk.

My Grandpa’s Walker

During moments of temporary crippling, my maternal grandfather’s walker, which I have inherited for the moments as such serves as a valuable aid. While some may view this period as one filled with pain and sadness, I find solace in utilizing it for introspection and reflection. Often, we overlook the importance of these practices, despite their necessity.

In these moments, I am reminded of a Bible verse where God assures us, saying, “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Drawing upon this verse, I gather strength and find reassurance. It is a common aspect of human psychology to forget our responsibilities and obligations when we are engrossed in the pleasures of life. It is only during times of suffering and pain that we come to a profound realization. While I cannot speak for others, this is a truth that I hold dear.

This is my break time. I rested all day wondering about many things before writing this article on what notably I have done today. I will love to hear from you too. How do you utilize such a time as this? Care to share?


What are you passionate about?

I have always had a passion for discussing what motivates me in life. As a creative individual, I continuously strive to explore new avenues. However, I must admit that I have a history of quickly losing interest in the things I previously started and often find myself eager to embark on a new endeavor. And that has always made me a jack of all trades and master of none.

After leaving my job in July 2021, I embarked on a journey to pursue everything I had ever wanted to do in my life, within the realm of possibility, of course. I composed a song for a friend, created numerous designs on Canva, wrote several articles, translated materials from English to Odia, and engaged in both online and in-person teaching and preaching. However, I experienced a sense of restlessness and lack of focus. It bothered me not because of the absence of earnings but due to the feeling of aimlessly treading forward. Financial gain has never been a concern for me, but the absence of meaningful pursuits leaves me feeling worthless and melancholic.

There have been two pivotal moments that have decisively shaped the trajectory of my life, bringing an end to my indecisiveness. The first occurred on June 22, 2022, when I published my very first book titled “The Final Week.” As the first anniversary of my journey as a published author approaches, I find myself reflecting on the significance of this milestone. Writing has always been my true passion, and becoming an author had long been a cherished dream. Once I accomplished something so deeply meaningful, it was as if all barriers and uncertainties dissipated. Since then, I have continued to publish four more books and am currently engaged in the creation of my sixth one.

(Click the image to connect)

The second transformative event took place on March 19, 2023, when I discovered a platform that unveiled a whole new dimension to me. Deep within me, there had always been a burning desire to provide emotional and mental support to individuals, aiding them in achieving a healthy and peaceful existence. It all began when a couple approached me seeking in-person emotional assistance. Since that encounter, I have been engaged in counseling not only that couple but also many others who have sought my guidance and support. This experience has been incredibly fulfilling, reinforcing my purpose in helping others navigate their emotional well-being.

Now the question arises: “Have I ceased all other endeavors that I previously pursued?” The answer is a resounding no. I have not forsaken those activities; rather, I continue to engage in them. However, my focus lies in bolstering my two primary aspirations: writing books and providing counseling. By integrating these core goals into my life, I have found a way to harmoniously blend my various pursuits. This approach allows me to allocate my time and energy effectively, fostering the growth and fulfillment that come from both my primary objectives and the diverse range of activities I undertake.

After more than a year of exploration, I have come to the realization that pursuing all my passions simultaneously leads to a sense of aimlessness. However, I have also discovered that by prioritizing one or, at most, two or three things that truly resonate with me, I can make significant strides towards fulfilling something meaningful in my life. By setting clear goals and prioritizing what my heart truly desires, I can align my actions with my deepest aspirations, ultimately finding true happiness.

Therefore, my friends, I encourage you to avoid spreading yourself too thin by attempting to master every pursuit. Instead, focus your energy and efforts on becoming a master of at least one area that you yearn to achieve in life. By embracing this approach, you can forge a path towards fulfillment and create a life that truly reflects your passions and aspirations.

Stay Blessed!


In today’s fast-paced world, distractions from smartphones and digital devices can make it challenging for individuals to fully focus and give their attention to others in face-to-face interactions. Recognizing the deteriorating power of listening, I have started a movement called “I Listen” on my counselling and coaching profile, aimed at creating a culture of compassionate listening and raising awareness about mental health.

“I Listen” is more than just a slogan or a campaign; it is a mindset of being present for others with empathy, understanding, and without judgment. It emphasizes truly hearing someone with our hearts and minds, creating a safe space where individuals can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of dismissal.

The idea behind “I Listen” is simple but powerful: to prioritize listening as an essential element of mental health support. It acknowledges that sometimes what people need the most is someone who will listen, without trying to fix or advise, but simply be present and hold space for their emotions.

Recognising mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, “I Listen” seeks to destigmatize mental health challenges and create a culture where individuals feel comfortable opening up about their struggles. This movement is inclusive and encourages everyone to participate regardless of background, age, or profession. It is a call to action for individuals to be mindful of the power of listening in their interactions with others, fostering empathy and understanding in all relationships.

As the initiator of this movement, I pledged in the following manner:

I listen. I value.

Forget for a moment that I am a counsellor or coach. Instead, think of me as someone who will listen to you and value your emotions.

I am a compassionate and empathetic listener who genuinely cares about the well-being of others. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space for people to share their deepest thoughts and emotions is not just a skill of mine, but it comes naturally to me. I am always willing to lend an ear whenever someone needs to talk. I understand the power of active listening and the importance of validating people’s feelings. I am committed to helping others feel seen, heard, and understood.

If you need to pour your heart out, you can do so with me. Don’t hesitate to book a 1:1 call with me now!

A tab at Chiradeep’s Profile, powered by Topmate

How do you want to commit to the cause I am inviting you to join?

I want “I Listen” to gain momentum and serve as a reminder that small acts of listening can make a big difference. There should be a ripple effect of what I started. It should not be contended to my profile or skill set only. I want you to speak the same language and say, “I Listen.”

Friends! I invite you to join the “I Listen” movement and make a commitment to be present, compassionate listeners for those who may be going through a tough time.


I believe my previous experience as a non-professional counsellor and life coach was a training period for the present when I could capitalise on what I had learned over the years. What a wonderful feeling it was to discover that what I had been suggesting to people was also being used in CBT Techniques, albeit more systematically and professionally.

Cognitive distortions are irrational, inaccurate, or unhelpful thought patterns that can contribute to a variety of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Identifying cognitive distortions can be extremely beneficial to a counsellor in treating his or her clients.

Identifying and challenging cognitive distortions is an important part of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), a type of psychotherapy that helps people change negative thinking and behaviour patterns.

Cognitive distortions can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, but some common examples include:

All-or-nothing thinking: Seeing everything in black and white, with no grey area. For instance, believing that a mistake equals total failure or that someone is either all good or all bad.

Overgeneralization: It is the process of reaching broad conclusions based on a single event or experience. For example, believing that one bad day indicates that everything is going wrong, or that one rejection indicates that you will never succeed.

Mind reading: Assuming, without evidence, that you know what others are thinking or feeling. For instance, assuming someone dislikes you based on their body language or tone of voice.

Catastrophizing: It is the assumption that the worst-case scenario will occur and that you will be unable to handle it. For example, assuming that a minor mistake will result in termination or that a disagreement with a friend will result at the end of the friendship.

Personalization: Taking responsibility for things over which you have no control or assuming that things are about you when they are not. Assuming, for example, that someone’s bad mood is the result of something you did, or that a traffic jam is a personal attack.

This is not just a proven theory that I learnt or heard about but I have experienced it in my life as well. When a person is aware of their cognitive distortions, they can start challenging them and replacing them with more adaptive thought patterns. This can result in symptom reduction, improved emotional regulation, and an overall improvement in mental health and well-being.

Furthermore, assisting clients in identifying and challenging cognitive distortions can boost their sense of agency and control over their own thoughts and emotions. Patients are empowered to take an active role in their own mental health and well-being when they are taught how to recognize and manage cognitive distortions.

Do you possess any cognitive biases? To have a mind free from all the clutter and clouds of such negativities, identify them and uproot them immediately.

Stay Blessed!

(Book a 1:1 counselling session with me HERE.)