Regretting or feeling contrite about or being penitent is always good for any individual when he or she tries to start afresh positively from that point of contrition or penitence. But if it is just a habitual feeling of remorseful and being the same old self after the passing of time then it is very hurtful for the person concerned and not helpful at all.

Why did I say hurtful?

It is because the regular feelings of remorseful are utterly draining and demotivating. Regrets, guilt, penitence are like nails and thorns on our pathways which might hurt us when we walk on those paths. But when we are aware of them and avoid the path we will be safe or else we will be suffering ever time we tread in those paths.

You can ask, ‘how do I know?’ I can confirm you by saying, “I struggle daily handling with my guilt, contrition and regrets…”

Let me give an example…

I have a procrastinating spirit working within me which always whispers in my ears lovingly, “Baby, we can finish it tomorrow…” And I listened to my darling friend and suffer with loads the very next day. I regret, feel penitent about it and repent, “I will never keep things for the last moment…”

And… my buddy comes the second day again with more amazing proposals in his hands to allure me to take a break and do it tomorrow.

This was just a very simple and small instance that I gave. But when there is life changing events happen as a result of our mere regrettable actions then it is very dangerous. Sulagna set an example by working on her regrets and turning the other way by shifting to a different career path; She mentioned it in detail in the Mega Article yesterday. 

Regrets should be the stumbling blocks for us so that we can turn right away and move towards the right direction. If we are not then it’s no point regretting.

Stay Blessed!!!