What is Life? If you really think about it, you’ll realize that life is a series of distractions. We were never really meant to toil and moil and somehow survive and our real purpose was never to succumb entirely to the human experience. You see, we are not just mortal beings crammed into a corner of space as flesh and bones. We are more and we have always been more. We just forgot our “more-ness” somewhere along the way. The purpose of life was to rediscover our “more-ness” through this journey and create ourselves anew to unite with our true selves.

But as mentioned, we’ve been living a series of distractions. From the time we are born till the time we die, we distract ourselves every moment. From learning to speak the first word to cramming every bit of information under the sun to holding on to a job so we can not only survive but drown in abundance. Funny thing is our Earth gives everything we need and more without asking anything in return. Yet, we suck her dry without respite, store for apocalypse , hide and steal from one another, fight and kill for it, deprive the powerless and ignorant or sell it for a piece of paper that validates securing stuff that we get for free in the first place! We have lost ourselves in that which does not represent us or our purpose entirely and have forgotten a whole other chunk that makes us whole.

Why do we do this to ourselves? The most simple, almost primal, reason for this is one singular thought, “THERE ISN’T ENOUGH.”

There isn’t enough Food. Water. Oil. Power. Money. Land. This thought does not stop here, it transcends further into there isn’t enough Love. Happiness. Beauty. Peace. Security. You see what we’re doing here? We have turned this THOUGHT into a BELIEF, which is now our REALITY. It has moved down generations, across nations, cultures, religions and everything we do and feel is based on this underlying belief.

How did we get off thinking like this? The human experience is driven by two and only two emotions, LOVE and FEAR. Think about it, everything else is just a variation of these two parent emotions and when it comes down to making decisions, they stem from fear more often than love. It is so because we were raised under a system that enabled a fear-based psyche. Remember ‘survival of the fittest’, ‘every man for himself’, ‘success of the cleverest’ and what not. I don’t intend to defame these sayings except express that these are states that we created out of delusion but thankfully this was not the only kind of influence that shaped our world into it’s present state. Time and time again there have been a few enlightened beings who knew the truth and have risen many a times to open our eyes and yet we forget their words, their passion and their magnificence. They tried to forge us into creating a more peaceful and cooperative environment based on truth learnt from within. Unfortunately, their efforts did not succeed in maintaining it as such.

We can and must let go off our deep- seated fears, unlearn ideas that incite them and whenever in doubt look within because that is where you will find truth. Almost all the violence and wars that take place today are because of the thought that somehow something isn’t enough. We are literally killing each other and destroying the planet over this. We need not live and feel like this anymore because “THERE IS ENOUGH.” Yes, there really is enough. The universe, our earth supplies us with enough to support everyone; all we have to do is SHARE! Same is true for love, money, peace and everything else. For one to share, he must let go off fear and let in love. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to give when you love someone? If we know and believe that there is enough for all, and give more, it would liberate us. It would change us inside out and bring us closer to our true inner identity. The act of giving releases all other attributes associated with fear like greed, insufficiency, jealousy, dissatisfaction etc.

We all have this invisible circle that we draw around ourselves within which we include those few who we love and care about. Any act we think is beneficial, we do it for them and that fulfills us, we give more and it doesn’t feel like a loss but gain because we think of ourselves as a unit, we believe we are “One”. Imagine if we all bring more and more people into this circle until we can’t see it anymore. Our world would be nothing like it is now. This is possible today and this moment if we realize this simple truth.

Love one another as you love yourselves because in reality we are not our bodies or separate entities, we are our souls and we come from the same Source. Do that which nourishes the soul and the body’s needs will automatically be fulfilled. Let’s make a conscious effort, as the New Year unfolds, to be more compassionate, more giving, more kind and needless to say, there would be a time when there are be no more wars, violence, insufficiency or fear, only LOVE.


Guest Author2

Swetha. M, mother of none, herbal tea lover and blogger who currently has a lot of time at hand to read and write indulges in satiating her curiosity and thirst for knowledge on all things unusual. She aspires to write meaningful and inspiring reads and does not mind if she never gets the opportunity to publish her own books but if she does someday, that will most definitely work too. To get in on some of her buzz, feel free to visit her blog at www.source413.wordpress.com

 Guest Author End


  1. You perfectly summed the meaning of your entire post in one simple question, “Have you ever noticed how easy it is to give when you love someone?”. Cant get better. Thank you for sharing this inspiring post!

    Liked by 1 person

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