Tom, Dick and Sally
Went strutting down the alley


The sky was blue
On the green grasses were no drops of dew


“Look there,” said Tom pointing to his right
And the threesome burst forth laughing with all their might


For there stood a bunch of bullies
Pulling down the red pants of a teary-eyed Billy
(Isn’t red not a colour to be stitched into a pant?)


Thus strode ahead the threesome
Having fun a wholesome


Into the college gates they barged
Larry bowed before them removing his hat
(Ain’t freshers supposed to acknowledge seniors with humble obeisance?)


They were late for the lecture as usual
But they didn’t think it to be anything unusual


Out pulled Sally a Notice from the Outboard
Crushed and crumpled, it was tossed over her shoulder falling near the toilet door
(Ain’t rules meant for chicken-hearted morons?)


Sliding down the staircase railing,
They reached their classroom in the basement humming and whistling


The teacher’s disparagement
Wasn’t a reason to cause ‘em any discouragement
(Don’t classroom disciplines make robots out of men?)


Off they scooted to the campus canteen as the bell rang
To join the rest of their infamous gang


They grabbed the lunch plate from a hungry Bob
And ran away to their secret hub
(Isn’t is fun to eat off others’ money?)


Such and such their days passed by
Until their actions left them high and dry


Realization struck one fine day
When they were walking across the broadway


A repentant Dick resolved never to traverse his old paths again
Nodded Tom and Sally in affirmatory unison


If you meet them sometime now
Ask them what made them change and how


You’ll know then the secret of their transformation
That monumentally reset their lives’ foundation
(Isn’t life’s reformation a reason for celebration?)

It’s a big misconception that only like minds get along well – Try fixing two pieces of the puzzle with the exact same cut, will it work?
Complimenting and Completion
always works when there’s a hint of difference.

Mendacity, in the guise of relativism, convenience and accommodation is one of the biggest roadblocks
to the discovery of the absolute truth.

Our life is given to us to be lived in a certain way.
If it is not being led in the way it should have been
then we struggle along the way. 

Self Belief may not make opportunities land up in your lap but it definitely arms you up with the capacity to foresee, evaluate, accommodate the opportunities from a long distance and channel them to your feet and propel you to the steering of your own destiny.

Unlearn to learn further.

Unburden to carry other’s burdens.

Silly, don’t Unlove but Fill your tank

with God’s Love to pour it out on others


“Pray for Forgetfulness for if you tend to forget the good done by you to others and continue in your penance of compassion, the serpent of arrogance will never be able to poison your soul. You will be grounded with the weight of a jewel called Humility.”