I invited a family to dinner at our place. The lady of the family brought home made cake for dessert.Β  But I forgot to serve the same and ended up serving a readymade sweet. And when they left I realised (actually was made to realise 😁) what a blunder I had committed. I should have served the cake too, its courtesy and etiquette. And then I was on my guilt trip. I texted her to seek forgiveness. Though she said she didn’t mind it at all, asked me to relax and chill, it’s been a long time now since we spoke to each other 😁 (she is busy with her examinations). What I did at the dinner was completely unintentional; being forgetful was my weakness rather than my mistake. But I pleaded.

And this isn’t the first time when I said ‘Sorry’ for something so trivial. I talk to my friends, relatives and out of no where after I finish my conversations I have a demon visiting me “Guilt” that makes me think, rethink – “did I utter something wrong to offend the person?”, “let’s say sorry before it’s too late” and I don’t relent from saying sorry. In fact I say ‘Sorry’ way too much.Β  I fear grudges and misunderstandings, hence I say sorry. So much so that I could possibly paint myself as nervous, weak or simply stupid.Β  If you have to choose a nickname for me “The Sorry Girl” would do just fine🀣🀣.

Too much of guilt or say “false” guilt for every non existing/ illogical/ trivial issue could be as dangerous as self medicating after surfing on Google for few apparent symptoms and assuming that you are suffering from a dreadful illness. Doctors are there for a reason, right? Don’t assume, for it could lead to side effects more effectively than yielding positive results. “Feeling Sorry” syndrome as I call it is something same as self medicating.Β  When you assume things and go on a guilt trip more often than not, you self deplete yourself. Extreme self consciousness so as to not to hurt anyone makes you go into a shell which equals to lower self esteem and confidence.Β  I have myself experienced the dilemma very often “shall I ask? Shall I say? Shall I tell?”.Β  Because I don’t want anyone to feel bad and me either as a consequence to my actions and words.Β  And this is where I hesitate to say NO (my false guilt of hurting someone being my constant companion).Β  But now I am slowly realising it isn’t worth it, at least not every situation requires irrelevant deep introspection that shows me as a insensitive human, oblivious to others feelings.

I am not against minding words and actions in advance for it reflects an educated mind. And to be conscious about how others may feel reflects your sensible side. But the question is how much is enough and what is unwanted.Β  Feelings like Regret, Guilt are as precious as Love and Care to be squandered away on unimportant things.Β  For instance: You got stuck in traffic irrespective of starting really early so you say sorry and move on. This is how it should be. But if you start analysing what the other person might think of you, how much business loss he might have incurred just because of your delay and start off meekly to please unnecessarily, this is something awkward and uncalled for. This hampers your personality, your image. And this is called false guilt. Your false guilt will let others take advantage of you, period.

Talk and move on! You feel you have done something wrong, talk about it to the concerned person, settle the matter there. Don’t let it linger on your mind for long. If the other person understands your explanation no worries. But if the other person is indifferent, it isn’t your fault, mind you. Remember you can’t please everyone. Then why burden your heart with “I don’t deserve them” tag. Why can’t it be the other way round?

Always remember:

  • Be cordial but not overtly submissive. There’s a huge difference.
  • Don’t nurse ego
  • Don’t be shy to say sorry when you feel you need to, you want to
  • Relationships are important but if you can’t value yourself relationships can’t be sane and equal.
  • Watch out words and actions before they are beyond your control.


  1. This is the moment, where someone asks, “Are You Canadian?” No offense is given, as I am Canadian and I’m sorry, is simply a regular part of our vocabulary. I recently read a research study on feelings of guilt and women, which gave me no confidence in our gender. I will say, that since I have experienced people in my life who never say sorry, or feel they have done anything wrong at any time, I would rather be someone who says sorry instead of not. I also think this could be an age thing as well and our perceptions of the world during that time. For early in our life, we worry about what people think about us and by people I mean everyone! So the I’m sorry syndrome would definitely fit well within this time. Yet once you reach your forties and fifties, you come to the realization that no one is thinking about you or judging you as you think they are when you are younger. Everyone is too busy with their own lives to worry about other people. And by then, you only care about the small close group of people you have chosen to trust and rely on. If women are still suffering from the I’m sorry syndrome at this stage of life, then some serious self confidence is needed and perhaps some cleaning of house in regards to the people you have chosen to keep in your inner circle. Just my thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very well said. First of all I must thank you for stopping by and reading. Life, experience and wisdom – perhaps the only medicine for the sorry syndrome. I am slowly getting used to that dosage 😊. Surely one day I will be fine.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for telling me. I’m Scottish……direct descendent of Scottish Royalty for long ago. But my family is Canadian and has been for four generations. In Canada, you are just Canadian, for our country is a vast land of every culture which we embrace as one.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Great to know about you 😊. I am settled in Belgium for 10 years now living with my husband and two beautiful kids. Belgium has embraced us really well, now I have two homes – India (still hold the nationality) and Belgium😊

          Liked by 1 person

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