Saakshi’s Questionnaire:

  1. If you could completely eliminate one vice and one virtue from the world, what would you choose?

Ans: I thank you for being gracious and keeping “IF” at the beginning of your question. The current population of our world is 7.2 billion and I am just the one!

Jokes apart, I don’t think I would ever like to eliminate any Virtue as such. If I will eliminate a virtue then what will be the replacement for it? A VICE again?

But yes, “If I could” eliminate a vice, then that would be “the Ignorance in human heart regarding the sovereignty of God”. Initially, a man does wrong in the ignorance of his heart and when he is aware of his wrong deed he never repeats it as we all want to be right in every sphere of our life. To be in the right place we need the help of the one who is always right but we are always ignorant of this truth and I want to remove that ignorance from the hearts of people.   

  1. What is the easiest way to win your heart?

Ans: Oh… I have to reveal the secret! Hmm… I love honest and caring people. Because people are always available either to appreciate you or to criticize you but rarely we find those honest and caring hearts who shows you your mistakes and offers a caring hand to lead you to the right path.  

  1. How important is the concept of Marriage to you?

Ans: My dear friend, why are you so hurry to dig the grave of your bachelor friend as some of my family members are also in the reader’s group!

Anyway, on a serious note, I would say, Marriage is the most essential and the most sacred institution of every human life. Both the words Woman/Female is incomplete without the word Man/Male and again looking at the chronological side, the creation of Man/Male is incomplete without a Woman/Female. Marriage not only meets the physical need of a Man or Woman rather it also meets the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of each other. In the marital life of our parents, we have seen the fulfilment of this truth. Though my Dad is a very strong hearted person yet whenever he feels low it is my Mom who has understood his emotional ramification and has given the most honest, trustworthy and diligent support. A human’s emotional brokenness always results in his physical and mental outlook and at that point, it is only a spouse who offers a caring hand sacrificing everything. My Mother has always given a backseat to everything/everyone when it is caring for my Father. Last but the foremost is about meeting the Spiritual need, God is never pleased with the utterance of sacred words or the works in our worship, it is only the deepest cry of our heart with total submission and undivided attention in seeking His help that pleases Him. Only a SPOUSE who can pray such a prayer for his/her life partner.

Bible says, “The biggest need God saw in Man after creating him is WOMAN. So God created Woman taking a rib of man and the man said to God, this is now the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh. She shall be called ‘woman’ for she was taken out of man’”.

Marriage as a whole is our Total Commitment – Utmost Holiness in Relationship – Honesty in Behaviour – Humility of Heart – Trustworthiness in Dependence on our Spouses. And the LOVE holds it all.

  1. If you were allowed to go back and change one thing from your past, what would you pick and why?

Ans: I know the time machine only exists on our stupid box screen such as the biggest fantasy series of 20’s on Indian Television screen ‘Shaktiman’! So I would like to answer you this way that, the regret of my life is wasted years of my late teens and early twenties when I just took my life casually and lived it on my own terms. I wish my life won’t have ever become the piles of a stumbling block to anyone. Because everyone’s life is too precious and we should never be the reason of the mess of their life rather we should live our life on Godly standards and impact people to live their life on Godly standards as well.

  1. What are your prime strength and your main weakness?

Ans: Ma’am, do you know someone once said “Girls are too wise in questioning” and you hold a bonus – the mind like Einstein, “Question Everything”!

My Prime Strength Undoubtedly is God because without Him I have no strength to carry out anything. Apart from that, I am creative, very honest and caring. I can adjust in any situation.  

And my weaknessTo be honest, my gadgets (Laptop and especially my phone). Now, I am trying to work on it because being too much attached to them is not good.  

  1. Is there any one person in the world with whom you would like to change your life with?

Ans: If you are asking about exchanging my life with some great noble characters like Mother Teresa, Abdul Kalam, Abraham Lincon or Adoniram Judson, then I would say, it would be unfair to change our lives with them. Rather we need to understand the “Purpose of our life” and live for it with total commitment because that’s what they have also done in their life. Which means, instead of exchanging my life I would love to learn from them. What do you say!

  1. We all have one perfect memory in our life, what was your perfect moment in life?

Ans: I have already shared it in a couple of my articles. Now in nutshell, it is “14th March 2011, 7 PM”. I would say that was the perfect moment of my life and I can never forget each second of that day ever. If I would be able to draw a picture of my own life then that would be the day of “U-turn” in my life.    

  1. What are three materialistic things you can’t live without?

Ans: Yes, I can say, it will be quite uncomfortable for me to live for more than a couple of days without my morning Tea, my Smartphone and my Hair Cream and Body spray.  

  1. Have you ever stolen something? If yes, then what?

Ans: Trust me Saakshi, I’m not a Chor (Thief)! There is no F.I.R in my name. Till date, I am a good Indian citizen. Why do you want to seize my citizenship?

Yes, throughout my childhood I was noted for stealing sweets in my family. My mom used to wonder why all our guests used to bring half empty packets of sweets to our home. 

  1. If you could replace one body part with a super bionic replacement what body part and what features would the new bionic replacement have?

Ans: I am satisfied with what I am. But I am really interested in your brain surgery just to see what causes you to ask such horrible questions.

At the end just to add something of value which comes to my mind right now that, human life is filled with questions and confusions which is good! It reveals our finite knowledge and the need for dependency on the infinite and eternal first cause – GOD!

The Bible says,

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

God bless you my dear friend Saakshi!

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